Terms & Conditions
Depending on the product, the seller offers a standard one-year warranty. You will find the length of the warranty confirmed in the instruction manual for the product. If you ask for a refund, the seller will use the order number you give us, to check the date you bought the product. If you have had the product longer than the agreed warranty period, we will not be able to give you a refund. On certain products a warranty extension can be provided by simply registering the products warranty after purchase online.
The standard one year guarantee is only extended to the maximum available for each particular product upon registration of the product within 28 days of purchase. If you do not register the product with us within the 28 day period, your product is guaranteed for 1 year only.
The extended warranty is only valid with a proof of purchase. Proof of purchase and the registration certificate (supplied via email upon registration) must be kept for the entirety of the guarantee in order that it remain valid.
To validate your extended warranty, please visit www.nutrimaster.co.uk and register with us online. Alternatively, call our customer registration line on +(44) (0) 333 220 6068
Please note that length of extended warranty offered is dependent on product type and that each qualifying product needs to be registered individually in order to extend its warranty past the standard 1 year.
Please also see sellers terms and conditions for further information.